Running Kubeshark Headless

Kubeshark can run headless as well as serve a rich GUI dashboard. When running headless (no dashboard), the following functionalities can still remain active:

  1. Monitoring traffic using scripting.
  2. Continuous PCAP recording.

Monitoring Traffic Using Scripting

Using scripting, Kubeshark can be employed for monitoring purposes and triggering actions when certain network behaviors are detected.

Read more in the scripting section.

Continuous PCAP Recording

Additionally, running Kubeshark headless allows all captured traffic to be recorded in PCAP files, which can be exported on demand. Recorded traffic will include everything captured by Kubeshark, considering the capture filters, and will also include TLS traffic, as well as traffic from Envoy or Istio.

Read more in the PCAP Dumper section.

Low Resource Consumption

When running headless, Kubeshark consumes significantly fewer resources than when there is an active dashboard connection.

Opening Dashboards On-Demand

You can still open any number of dashboards, even when Kubeshark is running headless. The dashboard operation is independent of the services provided by the Kubeshark backend (e.g., scripts and recording).

Important Configuration Values

It’s important to consider the following configuration values when planning to run headless:

    stopped: false              # Ensure Kubeshark is not stopped and is actively capturing traffic | default is `true`
    # Capture filters instruct Kubeshark on what traffic to capture
    regex: catal.*              # Only traffic from pods matching the regex will be captured        | default is `.*`
    namespaces:                 # Capture from these namespaces                                     | default is ALL
    - ns1
    - ns2
    excludeNamespaces:          # Exclude these namespaces                                          | default is none
    - ns3
  bpfOverride: net # Or simply use an override BPF filter                              | default is none
pcapdump:                       # Ensure traffic is recorded at all times (optional, as this is the default)
    enabled: true               # Store captured traffic in PCAP files      (optional, as this is the default)
    maxTime: 1h                 # Discard files older than 1 hour             (optional, as this is the default)
    maxSize: 500MB              # Discard old files if storage exceeds 500MB (optional, as this is the default)

scripting:                      # If you're using scripts
        VAR1: <var1-data>