Node Scheduling

Node scheduling can be very beneficial when you want to control Kubeshark’s resource consumption and limit its work to certain nodes at certain times.

For example, if you want to have Kubeshark installed and running in the cluster on a single node or on no nodes at all on idle, and unleash its power when nessasery.

We use K8s’ nodeSelector as the mechanism and can set the various conditions in the nodeSelectorTerms Kubeshark config property.

Using the CLI

When we set this example in ~/.kubeshark/config.yaml:

  - matchExpressions:
      - key: kubeshark-active
        operator: In
          - 'true'

We can use the following kubectl sequence to schedule and unschedule certain nodes:

> kubectl get nodes
NAME                                                    STATUS   ROLES    AGE            Ready    <none>   3d15h   

> kubectl label nodes kubeshark-active=false --overwrite
> kubectl label nodes kubeshark-active==true --overwrite

In the above example, when a node is labeled with kubeshark-active=false the worker’s DaemonSet pod will not run and vice versa.

Using Helm

Use the following option when you install Kubeshark with Helm:

helm install kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark  \
--set-json 'tap.nodeSelectorTerms=[{"matchExpressions": [ {"key":"kubeshark-active", "operator": "In", "values": ["true" ] } ] }]'