***** IRSA does not work when deploying Kubeshark to the default namespace *****

IRSA is a method for not using specific credentials but rather use a role associated with a service account. Prerequisite to using this method is completing with the list of steps described in this article. Specifically having:

  1. A role
  2. A policy
  3. A trust relationship

Annotating the Kubeshark Service Account

The IRSA method works by providing an annotation to the service account that is associated with the pod that is performing the AWS operations. In our case: (FYI only, nothing to do here)

  • Service Account: kubeshark-service-account
  • Pod: Kubeshark Worker

To use IRSA, you’d need to:

  1. Provide annotation of the IAM role
  2. Use shared configuration

To provide the annotation, append the following line to either the CLI’s tap or the Helm command:

--set-json 'tap.annotations={"":"arn:aws:iam::7456....3350:role/s3-role"}'

You can also populate the config element in ~/.kubeshark/config.yaml when using the CLI.

Helm Command

helm install kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark -n kubeshark --create-namespace \
--create-namespace \
--set license=<your-license-here> \
--set-json 'scripting.env={"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID":"<key-id-if-you-have-one>", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "<key-if-you-have-one>", "AWS_REGION":"us-east-2", "S3_BUCKET":"demo-kubeshark-b"}' \
--set-json 'tap.annotations={"":"arn:aws:iam::74.....50:role/s3-role"}' \
--set tap.ingress.enabled=true \
--set \
--set "tap.ingress.auth.approveddomains={}" \
--set tap.release.namespace=kubeshark \
--set tap.resources.worker.limits.memory=2Gi
  • The above includes optional value that can come handy.