
Compared to port-forward or Kubernetes proxy, Ingress is much lighter and more stable.


It’s important to understand that Kubeshark uses a WebSocket connection, that isn’t supported out of the box for some load balancers.

Ingress can be enabled by setting the tap.ingress.enabled to true.

For example:

helm upgrade -i kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark --set tap.ingress.enabled=true 

To disable ingress, execute the following command:

helm upgrade -i kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark --set tap.ingress.enabled=false

Setting Up TLS Using Cert-manager

  1. Ensure that cert-manager is installed in your K8s cluster. If not, follow the cert-manager installation instructions for your environment. You are going to need an Issuer or Cluster Issuer in your cluster.

  2. Open your customized values.yaml file and locate the tap.ingress.tls section.

  3. Add the configuration to enable TLS and set the name of the secret that will contain the TLS certificate, along with the necessary annotations:

    annotations: "your-issuer-here" "your-cluster-issuer-here"
      - secretName: kubeshark-tls-secret
          - kubeshark.local

Replace "your-issuer-here" with the name of the cert-manager Issuer or ClusterIssuer you want to use to issue the TLS certificate.

3.1. If you are using ALB with certificates, include the annotation with the relative certificate to be used by the ingress.

  1. Ensure that the host kubeshark.local is properly configured to point to your cluster’s IP.

  2. After saving the changes, execute the following command to apply the settings:

helm upgrade kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark -f <path-to-custom-values.yaml>

Using a Different IngressClass

  1. In your customized values.yaml file, locate the tap.ingress.classname section.

  2. Replace the empty value with the name of the ingress class you want to use, for example:

    classname: "ingress-controller-custom"
  1. Execute the command to apply the settings:
helm upgrade kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark -f <path-to-custom-values.yaml>

Now you have successfully enabled ingress for Kubeshark via CLI, set up TLS using cert-manager, and defined a custom ingress class.

Make sure to adjust the commands and configurations according to your environment and the path to your customized values.yaml file.

AWS, EKS, ALB, Ingress & TLS

Read more how to how to use on AWS infra here