
Kubeshark installation aims to be straightforward, yet due to the diverse range of Kubernetes (K8s) versions and configurations, some troubleshooting may be required to get started.

Versions Incompatibility


Most issues encountered with the CLI can often be resolved by reinstalling it. This can be done using the script provided below or through other methods detailed on the installation page:

sh <(curl -Ls


To update Kubeshark’s Helm repository, utilize the following commands:

helm uninstall **Kubeshark** -n **Kubeshark**
helm search repo **Kubeshark**
helm repo update
helm search repo **Kubeshark**
helm install **Kubeshark** **Kubeshark**/**Kubeshark** -n **Kubeshark** --create-namespace

Workers OOMKilled

Frequent OOMKilled errors indicate that the cluster is overburdened relative to the resources allocated to Kubeshark. Consult our performance page for guidance on optimizing resource consumption.

Use Debug Logs

Running Kubeshark in debug mode captures essential KPIs in the logs. Analyzing these logs, or better, sharing them with us, can often elucidate unexpected performance issues.

Enable debug logs with the following methods:

**Kubeshark** tap -d / --debug
--set tap.debug=true

To extract log files, execute:

**Kubeshark** logs

Ports Range

Kubeshark defaults to using ports 30001, 8898, and 8899. Certain Kubernetes distributions, like K3s and Microk8s, restrict this port range, necessitating adjustments. Configuring different ports is straightforward:

If you haven’t already configured Kubeshark, start with:

**Kubeshark** config -r

This command generates a configuration file at ~/.kubeshark/config.yaml. Modify this file to adjust the port settings as follows:

            srvport: 30000
            port: 30001
            srvport: 30001
            port: 30002
            srvport: 30002

Ensure the new port numbers fall within the permissible range.

Some users have reported a surge in audit log events following Kubeshark installation, as discussed in issue #1500. Although this behavior was not replicated in our test environments, it’s crucial to address if experienced. Reducing Kubeshark-related audit log volumes can be achieved by disabling auditing for specific events as shown below:

  - level: None
    userGroups: ["system:serviceaccounts"]
    users: ["system:serviceaccount:default:kubeshark-service-account"]


There have been instances where Kubeshark did not operate seamlessly on Openshift. While ensuring optimal performance on Openshift is a goal, it remains a work in progress.

Well, That Didn’t Work

If the provided solutions do not resolve your issue, other resources are available to assist promptly: