Choose this option if you already have a running instance of Dex – A Federated OpenID Connect Provider (IdP) in your cluster and want to enable OIDC authentication using the Dex IdP.


Add the following static client configuration to your Dex IdP’s config.yaml:

  - id: kubeshark
    secret: <create your own client password>
    name: Kubeshark
      - https://<your-kubeshark-host>/api/oauth2/callback

Replace <your-kubeshark-host> with Kubeshark’s URL.

Kubeshark Configuration

Add the following Helm values to enable OIDC authentication using your Dex IdP:

# values.yaml

    enabled: true
    type: dex
      issuer: <insert Dex IdP issuer URL here>
      clientId: kubeshark
      clientSecret: <your client password>
      refreshTokenLifetime: "3960h" # 165 days
      oauth2StateParamExpiry: "10m"

After configuring the values file, install Kubeshark with the following command:

helm install kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark -f ./values.yaml

Kubeshark will now be installed with Dex-based OIDC authentication enabled.

Try Your OIDC-Enabled Kubeshark

Once OIDC is enabled, you’ll be redirected to the Dex IdP login page.

Example: Dex IdP Login Page

Dex IdP - Login Page

  1. Choose a login option and click it. Your upstream IdP (Google, Microsoft, etc.) will guide you through the authentication process.

  2. After successful authentication, you’ll be directed to a page where you can grant Kubeshark access to your user information:

    Dex IdP - Grant Access

  3. You’re logged in! Your email should appear in the top-right corner of the Kubeshark dashboard:

    Dex IdP - Successful Login

  4. You’re authorized! You can now use Kubeshark as usual.