CPU & Memory Consumption


Resource Consumption

Kubeshark’s resource consumption largely depends on the cluster workload and the amount of dissection required. Most resource-consuming operations are performed by the Worker at the node level.

Kubeshark Operations

Kubeshark captures and stores all traffic in memory. It then filters traffic based on pod targeting rules, which include pod regex and a list of namespaces. Traffic filtered out by these rules is discarded. Traffic filtered in is dissected. Among all Kubeshark operations—traffic capturing, storing, filtering, and dissection—dissection is the most resource-intensive and is performed on-demand when a client requests it (e.g., the dashboard, a recording, a running script).

Resource Limitations

While resource consumption can increase based on the amount of traffic targeted for dissection, it can be limited by setting configuration values.

Container Memory and CPU Limitations

Container resources are limited by default. However, allocations can be adjusted in the configuration:

        cpu: 750m
        memory: 1Gi
        cpu: 50m
        memory: 50Mi
        cpu: 750m
        memory: 1Gi
        cpu: 50m
        memory: 50Mi
        cpu: 750m
        memory: 1Gi
        cpu: 50m
        memory: 50Mi

Worker Storage Limitation

Traffic is recorded and stored by the Worker at the Kubernetes node level. Kubeshark generates a PCAP file per L4 stream and a JSON file per API message. Files are deleted based on a TTL:

  • PCAP - 10s TTL
  • JSON - 5m TTL

If storage exceeds its limit, the pod is evicted. The storage limit is controlled by setting the tap.storagelimit configuration value. To increase this limit, provide a different value (e.g., setting it to 5GB with --set tap.storagelimit=5Gi).

OOMKilled and Evictions

Whenever a container surpasses its memory limit, it will get OOMKilled. If Worker storage surpasses its limitation, the pod will get evicted.

Predictable Consumption

While limitations ensure Kubeshark does not consume resources above set limits, it is insufficient to ensure proper operation if the available resources aren’t adequate for the amount of traffic Kubeshark must process.

To consume fewer resources and not surpass limitations, Kubeshark offers two methods to control the amount of processed traffic:

Pod Targeting

Kubeshark allows targeting specific pods using pod regex and a list of namespaces. This ensures only traffic related to targeted pods is processed, and the rest is discarded. Utilizing Pod Targeting can significantly optimize resource consumption:

Pod Targeting Changes

Read more in the Pod Targeting section

Hint: If you enter a rule that filters out all pods (e.g., a non-existing namespace), you’re effectively shutting down Kubeshark, causing minimal to no resource consumption. The limiting rule can be deleted when there’s a need to process traffic (e.g., during an incident or when actively working on a bug).

Traffic Sampling

TrafficSampleRate is a number representing a percentage between 0 and 100. This number causes Kubeshark to randomly select L4 streams, not exceeding the set percentage.

For example, this configuration will cause Kubeshark to process only 20% of traffic, discarding the rest:

  trafficSampleRate: 20

The Browser

Be aware that your browser can consume a significant amount of CPU when displaying a substantial amount of traffic.