
Jobs are functions that are automated to run on a schedule. When functions don’t depend on certain network behaviors, they can be automated to run on a schedule. Jobs are added by adding one line of code at the script scope.

jobs.schedule("push-status-codes-to-influxdb", "0 */1 * * * *", pushStatusCodesToInfluxDB);

Kubeshark uses a crontab mechanism to schedule Jobs at the node level. It furthers provides complete control over the scheduled Jobs via the dashboard.

The Jobs Dashboard

The jobs dashboard enables complete control over schedule jobs enabling the following operations:

  • Stop a specific Jobs or all Jobs
  • Start / Re-start a specific Job or all Jobs
  • Delete a specific Job or all Jobs

Jobs Dashboard

Running Jobs Programmatically

While you can manually control the Jobs from the jobs dashboard, you can also control them programmatically from a script using the helper.

Visit the helpers page to read the complete list of helpers related to Jobs.