Data Time To Live (TTL)

All API information (e.g., headers, path, payload) is stored in a dedicated JSON file for each request/response pair. JSON and PCAP files are stored locally with a TTL for each file type.

PCAP - Network Traces

PCAP (Packet Capture) is both an API and a file format widely used by network analysis tools like Wireshark, Fiddler, and TCPdump.

It provides comprehensive packet data from the Ethernet header to the application payload, offering complete visibility of application and network interactions before and after events.

PCAP Download

You can download the PCAP file for further analysis in Wireshark using the PCAP download button.

Download PCAP Button


Once a PCAP file is deleted (e.g., after 10 seconds), it becomes unavailable for download:

Download PCAP Button Disabled

A PCAP TTL of 10 seconds allows scripts to process the API entry and decide on actions for the PCAP (e.g., storage, export), but it is insufficient for manual download. The TTL is configurable:

    pcapTTL: 10s

or by using: --set tap.misc.pcapTTL=10s

API Metadata (JSON)

Complete API metadata is stored in a JSON file, including all elements visible on the Dashboard and more. The file can be accessed or downloaded via the API index link:


    "dst": {...},
    "elapsedTime": 0,
    "entryFile": "000000017720_pcap-0_entry.json",
    "error": null,
    "failed": false,
    "id": "",
    "index": 0,
    "node": {...},
    "outgoing": false,
    "passed": false,
    "protocol": {...},
    "record": "",
    "request": {...},
    "requestSize": 111,
    "response": {...},
    "responseSize": 164,
    "src": {...},
    "startTime": "2023-12-19T20:44:30.360984398Z",
    "stream": "000000017720.pcap",
    "timestamp": 1703018670360,
    "tls": false,
    "worker": ""


Once discarded (e.g., after 5 minutes), API details vanish from the dashboard, and a notification appears:

Error Message

JSON TTL is configurable:

    jsonTTL: 5m

or by using: --set tap.misc.jsonTTL=5m


Increasing PCAP TTL in busy clusters can quickly fill storage, necessitating an increase in storage capacity.

Storage limits are set by tap.storagelimit, defaulting to 500Mi. Exceeding this limit triggers pod eviction, purging storage and restarting the pod:

To adjust the limit:

--set tap.storagelimit=1Gi